Success Camp
Attendance required for incoming 9th grade.
May 29, 2020 – June 5, 2020 (all students)
9 a.m. – 4:20 p.m.
Must register to attend
The Program
Transportation for all six days
Students may ride the bus from their nearest middle school.
Here is the schedule:
Bus 1:
Bush Middle School – 8 a.m.
Perry Middle School – 8:15 a.m.
Field Middle School – 8:25 a.m.
Bus 2:
Blalack Middle School – 8:00 a.m.
Long Middle School – 8:10 a.m.
Polk Middle School – 8:20 a.m.
Students will leave Early College at 4:30 P.M. and be returned to the same middle school.
Food and Drink
Students will need to provide their own lunch or purchase lunch at the Subway on campus.
TSI Preparation (College entry test)
Students will receive preparation for the TSI Reading, Writing and Math tests.
Time Management & Organization Skills
Students will learn how the increased work load associated with Pre-AP and college courses requires them to manage their time, prioritize their options, and organize their personal
Note Taking, Reading, & Study Skills
Students will receive instruction in a variety of note taking and critical reading strategies.
Students will learn how to effectively prepare for tests as well as learn how to form and participate in study groups.
Goals for Success Camp
- Academic and college prep
- Our school values creativity and critical thinking.
- Prepare and understand TSI expectations
The realities of passing and what it means - Reading is critical
- Leadership 101.
- Autonomy and collaboration is important.
Emotional Health
- Make students excited about coming to ECHS
- Students understand that ECHS teachers care about them
- Students need to be confident and competent.
- Retain as many students as possible
- Help students feel comfortable at BHaven
- Community that celebrates students as individuals
ECHS Culture
- College campus expectations as far as behavior.
- Accountability structures in place
- Behavioral and academic
- Academic integrity
- 4 years of college-not just the Associates.
- The value of learning and character is more important than grades.
- Intro students to ECHS culture
- Recruit in a more positive manner during visits.
Help students see the big picture. - The educational experience here is a different environment.
- Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic motivation
- Mirror a private school at a public school as far as expectations for students.
- Understand that it’s hard, but worth it.
1st year growth. - We have structures in place to help students achieve.
- Teacher opportunity to get to know the new students.
- Service to your community is important.
- Introduce clubs during the camp with student volunteers
Physical Health
Teacher Goals
- Need to be put in a position to let the students to get to know the teacher.
- Teachers need to feel valued.
Counselor Goals
- Registering for online resources
- Maybe ID’s
- Gym on Friday-booked already
- Lunch on both Fridays
Necessary Items for Title 1 funds-After June 7th.
- Possible Rube Goldberg materials
- Lunch on both Fridays
- Bus transportation for 1 day – field trip TBA
- Box lunches for field trip
- Summer Books
- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis
- 1 copy per rising 9th grader + 5
- ISBN – 978-0064404990
- I am the Messenger by Markus Zuzak
- 1 copy per rising 10th grader + 5
- ISBN 978-0375836671
- FYI – rising 11th graders will choose from a variety of books that are already purchased
- Rising 12th graders will select from a variety of classics – selections not made yet.
- Need to purchase
- Will have this information in the next 2 weeks
- Estimate average price to be $10 per book
- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis