Welcome to TEAMS Parent Self Serve (PSS)
With Parent Self Serve you can access:
- Grades
- Attendance
- Health records
- Class schedule
- Contact teachers
- Online Enrollment
See documentation in other languages below.
This is the parent information system that interfaces with our student information system.
All parent/guardians will need to create a new account. Please select New User Registration to begin the registration process. As you register, please note that all data is case sensitive. Do not use your student’s ID number as your username.
You will be prompted to create a userID (maximum 32 alpha/numeric characters and password (maximum 64 alpha/numeric characters) along with a security question/answer (maximum 150 characters) for validation in the event of a forgotten password.
District employees – do not register for PSS. Contact your child’s campus to have the PSS flag set to activate your account. To access PSS – select Existing Users. Sign in with your TEAMS userID and password.
To register and be authenticated, you must enter the following information for one of your children:
- Parent primary email address (provided to the school)
- Parent/guardian first name
- Parent/guardian last name
- Student Birthdate
- Student first name
- Student ID (six-digit local)
- Student last name
- Zip code of ‘resides with’ parent/guardian home address
All of your children will appear under this account if they are connected properly in TEAMS.
If the data you provided matches the data in TEAMS, you are automatically authenticated and ready to use PSS.
If there is a data mismatch, the authentication process will fail and you will need to contact the campus to resolve the data error. Once the data has been corrected, you can go on-line to register and be authenticated.
If you have difficulty registering or your account does not display all of your children, please contact the CFB Helpdesk (972-968-4357).