In-District Referrals:
The campus follows the Safety Net Acceleration Planning (SNAP) procedures when referring a student with a suspected disability to special education. A Full Individual Initial Evaluation (FIE) is conducted to determine the child’s eligibility and need for special education services. If your child is currently enrolled in a CFB school, contact the school for more information.
Non-public School Children:
Referrals are accepted primarily from parents, private schools, and physicians for students who reside in CFBISD and attend private or home school. A Safety Net Acceleration Planning (SNAP) Team reviews the data to determine the need for, and the scope of, the evaluation. Results of the Full Individual Initial Evaluation (FIE) determine eligibility and the need for special education services.
Transfer Students:
Students who transfer to CFBISD and have been identified as eligible for special education and received services in their former school district are eligible for services in CFB on a temporary 30-day placement. During this time, CFB staff may conduct additional evaluations to determine continued eligibility for special education services.
Who Receives Special Education Services?
Students receiving special education services must meet specific eligibility criteria as defined by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) in one or more of the following areas:
Auditory Impairment
Emotional Disturbance
Intellectual Disability
Learning Disability
Multiple Disabilities
Noncategorical Early Childhood
Orthopedic Impairment
Other Health Impairment
Speech Impairment
Traumatic Brain Injury
Visual Impairment