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Ranchview Orchestra All-Region Results


On Saturday, despite driving rain, flooding streets, and the standard crippling fear that goes along with auditioning, we had ten brave students from the Ranchview Orchestra audition for membership into the TMEA Region 31 All-Region High School Symphony Orchestra.  Orchestra all-region is always a very tough event as we are competing with our 4A classification against 5A and 6A schools.

Of the ten who auditioned, we placed six into the group!  Please congratulate the following Ranchview orchestra members on a job well done:

Jaime Grider, string bass, 1st alternate
Albert Yang, string bass, 6th chair
Nathan Kong, violin 28th chair
Jaeni Loh, violin 23rd chair
Joseph Choi, violin 17th chair
Esther Peng, violin 3rd chair!

In addition to making All-Region, Joseph Choi and Esther Peng also qualified for the Area round of competition, meaning they have been approved to audition for the All-State level!  We wish them well as they prepare for the next audition round in two weeks.

The all-region participants will get to enjoy a great musical experience playing professional level music at the Region 31 All-Region Clinic and Concert weekend in December.  Once again, please congratulate these students with a “bravo!” on their hours of preparation, nerves of steel, and their great job representing our orchestra, school, and community!  We are VERY proud of them!