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Perry Sixth Grader Publishes his First Book


Perry Sixth Grader Publishes his First Book

Perry Middle School student publishes his first bookDeWitt Perry Middle School student, Rishi Sriram, has published his first book, Mystical Trials. Sriram wrote the book for readers 8 years old and older. The book involves four young people finding new friends and foes in a floating city in the sky. These mystical travelers must take magical tests in the hopes of being accepted to a prestigious academy in the floating city.

Sriram stated, “my biggest inspiration to write this book is author Rick Riordan, and how he implements Greek mythology into a magic and comical adventure.” An avid reader as well, he plans on writing a sequel to his new book and is also contemplating writing a mystery novel.

Click here to visit Perry Middle School’s website

Click here to see more photos of Rishi Sriram

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