CFB in History – Original Logo Designed in 1976 by Field Middle School Student
CFBISD’s first official logo was designed in 1976 by a Field Middle School Student, after holding a logo contest. There were over 130 entries from CFB schools. The slogan for the logo contest was, “Liberty for Education – Hand in Hand.”
Field Middle School’s Randy Dornan, who was in 8th grade at the time, won the contest. Dornan attended McLaughlin Elementary prior to attending Field and graduated from R. L. Turner High School in 1981. Dornan’s design continued to be the official logo of the district through 1993, when a new design was implemented.
The design contest was heavily influenced by the Bicentennial celebrations throughout the country as the United States of America celebrated its 200th birthday. The slogan for the logo had a bicentennial influence and that influence was not lost on Dornan, who stated that he remembers seeing the famous Liberty Bell being moved to Independence Hall on TV that year.
In addition to the pride in seeing his logo design implemented throughout the district, he also received a $25 US savings bond for winning the contest. Dornan shared memories of his favorite teachers, including Ted Polk, for whom Ted Polk Middle School was later named, in the video below.
Click here to see more photos from our archives regarding the logo contest!
Evolution of the CFB Logo