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McKamy 4th Graders Visit State Capitol


On Apr. 16, 4th graders from McKamy Elementary traveled to Waco and Austin to experience what they are learning in Texas History. Students visited the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum and the Texas State Capitol, taking part in “The Legends of Texas: The Experience.” The trip was funded by Discover Texas Field Trips, a non-profit organization.

Students discussed why Texans are so proud of their unique heritage. At the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum, students learned the history of the Texas Rangers. They explored exhibits about Texas’s earliest inhabitants and its many unique geographical regions. They then traveled to the Texas State Capitol where their legislators, have their office. Students saw first-hand where Texas laws are made as they toured the State Capitol. The visit included visiting the Senate and House of Representatives chambers.

Texas History Comes Alive

The students then stepped back in time to life in the 1800s in Texas at historic Jourdan-Bachman Pioneer Farms Living History Museum. Students experienced life on actual homesteads from the 1820s-1860s, a musket-firing demonstration, an engaging Texas Revolution skit, and an interactive and up close look at rare Texas Revolution artifacts. In addition, students met a Texas settler and heard his stories and perspective about the Texas Revolution.

McKamy 4th Graders Visit State Capitol