HB3, passed by the Texas Legislature in June 2019, requires all kindergarten through 3rd grade teachers and administrators to participate in the Texas Reading Academies by 2023. CFB believes that the content of these trainings will increase the tools in our teacher’s toolbox to help unlock the gift of reading for all students. Therefore, we will offer Reading Academies to CFB Staff at each campus during the 2020-2021 school year:
- Kindergarten – 3rd grade teachers,
- Special Education teachers,
- Instructional Facilitators, and
- Campus Administrators (Principals and Assistant Principals).
CFB has chosen the Blended Model for implementation which means the content will be viewed on line and then discussed in grade level/campus groups. This will allow us to participate together in rich dialogue and will build a common vocabulary and understanding among the entire learning team. This has a direct correlation to the district Literacy Plan, and will serve as a firm foundation for future learning. In the Blended Model, participants will interact with content online and in person. We believe that allowing all staff to participate together will enrich the dialogue, facilitate the implementation, and ultimately lead to increased student achievement
It is the expectation that ALL staff listed above participate during the 2020-2021 school year unless granted special dispensation based on special circumstances.
The following information from TEA delineates the content for the state’s, and thus CFB’s Reading Academies.
Texas Reading Academies — Steeped in the Science of Teaching Reading (STR)
STR – A term that describes educator application of evidence-based reading methods that best support development of skilled reading.
Texas Reading Academies Content (This content is currently in development; topics may change.)

Educators will apply knowledge of the STR across teaching
contexts to improve reading outcomes for all learners.
- Introduction, Overview, Scope, and Sequence
- Science of Teaching Reading
- Establishing a Literacy Community
- Using Assessment Data to Inform Instruction
- Oral Language (English and Spanish)
- Phonological Awareness (English and Spanish)
- Alphabet Knowledge, Print Concepts, and Handwriting
- Decoding, Encoding, and Word Study (English and Spanish)
- Reading Fluency
- Reading Comprehension
- Composition (English and Spanish)
- Tiered Supports and Reading Difficulties