Keynote Speaker on Aug. 7, Anne Grady
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Learn More Achieve More Conference?
CFB is an innovative public school district serving over 25,000 students in Carrollton, Farmers Branch, Addison, Irving, Las Colinas, Coppell, and Dallas. The Learn More Achieve More Conference will provide personalized professional learning for CFB teachers and staff. Focused on continuous improvement of instructional practice, the learning environment, operational effectiveness, and community support, CFB pursues one goal: high achievement for each student.
When does the event take place??
Aug. 7 – 9, 2019
Where is it being held?
R. L. Turner High School
1600 S. Josey
Carrollton, TX 75006
Do you have an app?
Yes! Those with smartphones can download the free app in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
What is happening at the conference?
There are many sessions to serve teachers and staff, including some mandatory sessions for all staff. Please download the free LMAM app to see an exhaustive list and schedule of which sessions are available. Keynote speakers are Michael Sorrell and Anne Grady.
Where do I park?
Parking is available on-site at R.L. Turner High School at 1600 S Josey Ln, Carrollton. There are two lots available, one on the south side & one in the back by the cafeteria. Please leave the visitor spots open for Turner families coming to enroll and register for classes.

Keynote speaker for Aug. 9, Michael Sorrell
I am not sure how to use the app. Where can I go for help?
The app is very user friendly. We will have tutorial information available on how to use the app sent under separate cover to all district staff. You can also ask any of our instructional technology specialists or call the help desk at HELP (x4357). At the conference, there will be technology support at the General Information table to assist with your needs related to the app.