Title I is designed to help students served by the program to achieve proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards.
Title I schools with percentages of low income students of at least 40 percent may use Title I funds. Federal, State, and local funds, may also be used to operate a “School-Wide program” to upgrade the entire educational programs on the campus to improve academic performance of all students.
School-Wide programs must use instructional strategies on scientifically based research, use, and implement parental involvement activities. The campus bases its professional development activities upon practices proven to be successful in helping teachers improve the quality of their instruction.
The District will involve the parents of children served in Title I, Part A schools in decisions about how the 1 percent of Title I, Part A funds reserved for parental involvement is spent, and will ensure that not less than 95 percent of the one percent reserved goes directly to the schools to spend on parent engagement to spend on parent engagement.
Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD – Partnership with Parents & Community:
Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD is dedicated to ensuring high achievement for each student in our district. To accomplish this objective, we will develop and maintain partnerships with parents and community members. Each student will benefit from supportive, active involvement of all members of the learning community. A positive link between home and school will create the most conducive learning condition for every child. This open line of communication will expand and enhance learning opportunities for everyone involved. Parents and community are encouraged and invited to become partners with the District and schools. Involvement in the development of the District Improvement Plan (DIP) or Campus Improvement Plans (CIP) allows for greater depth of understanding.
Grade level learning objectives and goals:
Grade level learning objectives and goals will be distributed to all parents at the beginning of the school year. All students will be expected to work toward mastering these objectives. Our district recognizes the fact that some students will need extra assistance to achieve their full potential. Extra assistance is available to academically eligible students through the Title I program and numerous educational services offered within the district.
Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD intends to include parents in all aspects of the Title I program. Students will be given every opportunity for success through the development and enhancement of the home/school partnership.
Parents and school staff will meet to discuss the design and implementation of the Parent Involvement Procedure.
Principals in Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD will actively recruit parent participation through various avenues of publicity. Participation will include a diverse parent population. This can be accomplished through our communication website and Parent Square, emails, school administration, and student/teacher folders. District meetings will be planned at convenient times and locations for all interested parents.
Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD will hold at least one meeting for parents during each school year with a Spanish component for Spanish speaking parents. Parents will be informed of new Title I guidelines and variations from the previous year’s program. This parent document will be translated into the district’s top two languages. Parents will be invited to become involved in the district-wide and campus advisory committees.
Services will be provided, as needed, to enable parent participation. Notices, via social media or other communication resources, will be sent to from school administration to encourage parent participation. A sign in sheet, agenda and the updated procedure will provide documentation of the district parent meeting.
Schools may arrange meetings at a variety of times, or may choose to conduct in-home conferences between teachers and other educators with parents/families who are unable to attend conferences at schools.
In accordance with Title I regulations, each school must develop a parent-student compact with the parents of students participating in the program. This compact will enable the school and parents to share responsibility for student performance and success.
The compact must explain how students, parents, and staff will share responsibility for promoting student achievement/performance, attendance and success. Members of the school’s Campus Improvement Committee will be consulted in the design and implementation of the compact. Campus compact samples will be given to campuses for guidance.
All parents will be given a copy of the compact detailing the responsibilities that teachers, parents, and students have in helping students accomplish their goals, and create a supportive atmosphere. Student responsibilities may vary by grade level. These school-parent compacts are archived for seven years.
The schools will offer various opportunities for parental involvement as it strives to develop and maintain an optimum learning environment for all students. Parents may contribute through volunteer programs at school and various activities that promote student success. The community may participate through an array of activities that promote student success. Contact your child’s campus or PTSA to further your involvement.
Workshops and programs will be tailored to meet all needs of the community. Parents will be informed of involvement activities through the school and district offices.
The district will welcome and promote parental suggestions. Invitations extended to parents to attend teacher training, when appropriate.
The Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD is committed to offering parent education opportunities. Ongoing workshops and educational series may include, but are not limited to the following topics:
Parent Education seminar/trainings
Parental support in the educational process
Effective parenting skills
Support in effective behavior management techniques
Support of special needs students
Parents will be welcomed and informed through various avenues of communication throughout the school year. Each campus hosts a parent meetings explaining to parents the purpose of Title I. Parents will assist campus personnel in creating their campus Title I Procedure. A sign in sheet, minutes and an updated Campus Title I procedure will serve as documentation of this meeting. These documents will be archived and kept for seven school years. Communications will be provided in the language of the parents, if possible. The campus will contact Language Services in a timely manner to schedule an interpreter.
Carrollton- Farmer’s Branch will build schools’ and parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement to improve student academic achievement. The District will, with the assistance of its Title I, Part A Schools, provide assistance to parents in understanding topics that improve student academic achievement:
The State’s academic content standards,
The State’s student academic achievement standards,
The State and local academic assessment s including alternate assessments,
The requirements of Title I, Part A
How to monitor their child’s progress, and
How to work with educators.
The following information will be shared with parents at the Title I Campus Parent Meeting:
Purpose of Title I (see introductory note of the district procedure)
Parents’ Right to Know: Teacher & paraprofessional qualifications if not state certified
Parents’ Right to Know: Student achievement (STAAR/EOC)
School-Parent Compacts: Parents may assist with format or content
Frequent Reports on Student Progress: Three week progress reporting
Plans for Title I School-wide campus
Plans for Targeted campus
Homeless Students
Schools Identified for School Improvement: by not meeting AYP (ramifications)
Limited English Proficient students: languages and instructional program
Written Parental Involvement Procedure (part of the campus procedure)
Annual Evaluation of Parental Procedure updated
Parent-Teacher Conferences (Required in Elementary)
Title I, Part A Yearly Meeting (all Title campuses)
Professional Development (teachers & paraprofessionals)
Newsletters, conferences, personal contacts, social media, and written notices may be utilized to establish and maintain an open line of communication in the district’s top two languages: English and Spanish.
Staff members and parents may be trained in positive communication activities as well as effective ways to work with parents and community members. The District’s Welcome Program, Cultural Ambassadors, provides services to parents newly arrived to the U.S. Along with transmission equipment for interpretation in 27 languages, and the Department of Language Services which serve as resources to parents new to the U.S. The importance of communicating with parents in a language that is fluently understood in order to assist their child with their education will also be shared at this staff meeting.
Our Parent and Family Engagement Procedure is posted on CFB’s website.
Carrollton Farmer’s Branch will take the following actions to conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of this parent and family engagement procedure in improving the quality of its Title I, Part A schools. The evaluation will include identifying barriers to encourage greater participation by parents in activities (with particular attention to parents who have limited literacy, or are any racial or ethnic minority background); identifying needs of parents/families to assist with the learning of their children; and identifying strategies to support successful school and family interactions.
Parents will be questioned about the effectiveness of the program and offer suggestions for improvement. The evaluation procedure will include assessment of successes in the Parent and Family Engagement Procedure as well as recommendations for improvement in emergent areas.
VII. Adoption
The District wide Parent and Family Engagement Procedure has been developed jointly with, and agreed on with, parents of children participating in Title I, Part A programs.
This procedure was adopted by Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD on May 22, 2019 and will be in effect for the period of 1 school year. The school district will distribute this procedure to parents of participating Title I, Part A children on or before August 20, 2019