Mission Statement
CFBISD has a long history of ensuring that all students are academically prepared to pursue their post-secondary options. We believe providing our students with opportunities and exposure to college and career readiness will give them a clear pathway that will lead to a successful life. CFBISD is committed to preparing students for success in colleges, technical training programs, work and citizenship by offering curriculum, programming and resources that will allow our students to graduate college or enter the workforce successfully.
About Our Department
Under the direct leadership of Executive Director, Jo Gillen, our College and Career Readiness department will help give students the tools they need to be successful.
Ms. Street, College and Career Readiness AR Specialist, coordinates district programming for students in at-risk situations. She works with campuses to leverage school district and community resources to support the academic success of identified students to increase post-secondary options, access and success. She has a background in speech pathology, special education, community outreach and teaching.
Ms. Williams, College and Career Readiness Specialist, works with campuses to facilitate programs such as the Dallas County Promise, Credit By Exam assessment, and initiatives to increase college access and success, such as completion of financial aid and college applications. She has a background in psychology, advanced academics, counseling, summer interventions, and teaching.