In addition to the school report cards prepared and released by Texas Education Agency (TEA). Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), the U.S. Department of Education also requires an annual report card with specific district- and campus-level data.
Federal Report Cards (FRC) provide the following on each Texas public school:
Part II: Percent Tested and Student Achievement by Proficiency Level—Provides the STAAR performance and participation test results for each subject area and grade level tested in the prior school year regardless of whether they were included in the accountability subset
Part II: Student Achievement and State Academic Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs)—Provides the AMO outcomes and data table of STAAR performance results for each subject area tested in the accountability subset for the prior school year. It also includes four-year and five-year graduation rates.
Part III: Priority and Focus Schools—Provides information on priority schools and focus schools (those schools identified as the lowest 5% and 10% of Title I served campuses based on performance in reading and mathematics on state assessments and graduation rates).
Part IV: Teacher Quality Data—Provides information on teacher quality including percent of teachers based on the highest degree held, teachers with emergency/provisional credentials, and highly qualified teachers based on high-poverty and low-poverty schools.
Part V: Graduates Enrolled in Texas Institution of Higher Education (IHE)—Provides the percentage of students who enroll and begin instruction at an institution of higher education in the school year (fall or spring semester) following high school graduation at a public or independent college or university in Texas.
Part VI: Statewide National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Results—Provides the most recent NAEP results for Texas showing reading and mathematics performance results and participation rates, disaggregated by student group.
Federal Report Cards for each CFBISD campus can be accessed at TEA’s website: Search from TEA’s website.