Storing Your Files
Currently the Records Center can provide storage for over 6000 boxes of records. For the Records Center to maintain proper control of your records, please follow the guidelines listed below when sending your boxes for storage or destruction.
To Store Records in the Record Center
You must use the approved box listed below. You may order storage storage boxes from the Warehouse. The boxes are found under the category of Tape & Boxes.
112024 | Storage Box (White) Letter/Legal w/Lid | 12 Per Box | (price) |
Packing the Boxes
Remove the records from the file drawer and place the files in the box in the same order in which they are found in the file drawer. Do not pack hanging folders along with records. Hanging folders will hamper box lids from closing securely. Do not pack box too tightly to ensure that folders can be easily removed. Do not commingle multiple record series in one box even if half of the box is left empty.
Each box MUST contain only one record series. Never, under any circumstances, put documents or files from different records series in the same box. Boxes that are not completely full can be added to as more documents or files of that record series are available. Mixing records series in the same box would virtually ensure that some of the records will not be found when they are needed. Mixed records will not be accepted for storage. Do not tape the lid to the box. For unusual sized or bounded documents that do not lend themselves to be boxed will be stored in an appropriate manner. Example: old tax rolls and building prints. Most records should be acceptable for box storage.
Labeling the Boxes
- Each box must be labeled with the following information before sending box for storage.
Name of the School Record Type. Ex: Budget Records, Parent Consent forms, CUM files, etc. Range – identify the alphabetical or numerical series in the box. e.g. “A-G”. Start/End Date: the beginning and ending dates of the record series.
Transferring the Box to Records Center
- Submit a work order to have the boxes moved to the Records Center located at the Annex at the Administration building.
Accessing Your Records
When you store records in the Records Center you still maintain control over them. If you need a box or a file, send an email letting the Record Center know what you are needing. The file will be delivered to you either by interschool mail and by the Records Office submitting a work order. No one outside your office will have access to your records without your authorization.
Disposition of Records
Staff in the Records Center will monitor stored boxes until they are due for disposition. No records will be destroyed unless authorized by the three levels of command established by the Records Management department.
A Request for Destruction Authorization along with a list of expired containers will be sent to each Principal or department head. Once the form is reviewed, the principal/department head needs to sign the bottom of each page. The signed forms should then be returned back to the Records Management Officer as soon as possible.
All list are then forwarded to the school district’s attorney for review for any legal hold on school documents. Once the attorney’s have given their authorization, the forms are returned for the final signature of the Records Management Officer.
All boxes are then pulled and shredded in the Records Office
Other Questions?
For more information, call (972) 968-6211.