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Creekview High School – Moving Ground Dance Company Invited to Perform at TAHPERD Convention


Moving Ground Dance Company, our varsity artistic dance company, has a few updates to share with you!

After an adjudication review by a panel of TAHPERD (Texas Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance) dance professionals, Moving Ground has been invited to perform at the TAHPERD Convention in December! Other groups that will be performing include Texas A&M University, Tarrant County Northwest College, Sunset High School, W.E. Greiner Middle School, and Newman Smith!  They were selected for:

a. “The Awakening” choreographed by Zach August & Myles Canonge for the Kaleidoscope Dance Concert

b. “Fallen” choreographed by Eddings & Cast for the Opening Ceremonies Concert

c. They will perform 5 performances at DOTS (Dance On The Spot) at different venues within the convention

If you enjoyed our performance of “Thriller” today at the pep assembly with our amazing CHS Orchestra, please come and see us both perform it again this Saturday for Movie on the Square! We are performing together at both 5:00 and 6:00 in the Carrollton Square around the gazebo. They are showing 2 movies – “It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown” and “Ghostbusters” and the event is free. Here is the Facebook link for the event:


Thank you so much for your support! And by the way, our “Thriller” dance today was choreographed by Seniors Zach August, Myles Canonge and Brailon Cook. So proud of this group!