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CHS Mock Trial Team Attends Chicago Judicial Conference


Mock Trial students in Creekview High School‘s Law and Criminal Justice Academy wrapped up their 2017-2018 competitive season by attending the YMCA Youth and Government National Judicial Conference in Chicago. To qualify for this tournament, Creekview Mock Trial advanced as District Champions and placed 2nd at the State Tournament last January and Moot Court advanced having been both District and State Champions.

The Mock Trial team of Kasi Reed, Anonik Tep, R’Mani Ervin, Yusraa Tariq, and Amena Tep brought home 4th place, which is the highest National placement of any Mock Trial team in Creekview’s history. Additionally, rising Junior Yusraa Tariq won a National Champion Best Witness Award.

Final rankings for Moot Court have been delayed and are still pending, but the State Champion team of Simon Pena and Joanna Boyer garnered the praise of both judges and competitors at the tournament.

This year’s Mock Trial case was a criminal case dealing with a woman who killed her sleeping spouse and claimed self-defense under a Battered Women’s Syndrome theory. The Moot Court case dealt with a student who claimed that a school district’s suspending him for a tweet made off campus that included threatening language about a teacher purported to be sexually harassing female students violated his first amendment right to free speech.

Law and Criminal Justice Academy director, Jonathan Ray, stated, “please join me in congratulating these students, particularly Class of 2018 students Kasi Reed, Anonik Tep, and Simon Peña, for whom this has been their final tournament representing Creekview.”

See more photos from this event in our Flickr gallery.

CHS Mock Trial Team Attends Chicago Judicial Conference