Creekview High School dance student, Micah Patterson, is one of 7 students in the state to receive the Outstanding Interpretation Award from the Texas PTA. This is the highest honor given by the organization for their Reflections art program. Tens of thousands of students across the state in grades Pre-K through 12th grade submit entries for the annual contest.
His dance choreography submission, Letting Go, was chosen based on how well his entry and artist statement portrayed this year’s them, “Heroes Around Me.”
In his artist statement Patterson shared in part, “These heroes eventually have to let me go and I have to let them go for me to finish the path heroes around me have started.” On Apr. 26, during his dance class, Patterson received a surprise from his school and PTA with the announcement of his achievement. Micah was joined in class by Texas PTA Board Member Marni Kaner, family, and Creekview High School PTSA.
Reflections has been a staple arts program in many schools for 50 years. Through the efforts of Local PTAs, millions of students have found a creative outlet in the areas of dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. Student entries begin at the local level within their schools, and, after judging, can advance to their district, then to State, and finally a small number of students from each state go on to National PTA. It’s from this small group of National bound entries that the most prestigious Reflections award is selected.
Over the next few weeks, Texas PTA is surprising the top seven state awardees in their schools. The reveals are being posted to the Texas PTA Facebook page.
Micah along with other Reflections students will be honored during an award ceremony this summer.
View more photos from this event in our Flickr gallery.