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Central Elementary Celebrates Engineers’ Week


Eighteen Lennox engineers from various engineering backgrounds came to Central Elementary on February 23rd to teach 4th graders about the joys of their jobs and to celebrate engineers week.

Lennox Engineering Visits Central Elementary

Eighteen Lennox engineers from a wide-variety of backgrounds came to Central Elementary on February 23 to explore with 4th graders the joys of engineering. Their visit corresponded with Engineers’ Week.

According to The National Society of Professional Engineers, Engineer Week is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers.

What Does an Engineer Do?

The engineers who visited Central Elementary had careers ranging from electrical engineers to mechanical engineers.  Students were really excited to find out they were even engineers whose sole job was to break things. These engineers break and test items in extreme conditions to ensure the product was suited for a variety of environments.

Real World Skills in Engineering

After speaking about their jobs as engineers, the professionals led students through a lesson on bridge design.  Students, alongside engineers, developed plans and built bridges like a real engineer. They later tested their designs for strength. The students became real engineers.

The Day was a Success at Central Elementary

Both the Central students and engineers felt as if they had a great deal of learning during the day’s events. Central Elementary 4th graders left with a greater knowledge of the world of engineering. The students were excited that they could choose engineering as a possible career path. The day gave students new skills in engineering, and they all walked away with a smile on their face.

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