Due to the great interest in After the Bell and the space limitations imposed by staffing and safety, please follow these procedures to indicate your interest in CFB’s After the Bell Program for the 2020-2021 school year. This will allow us to notify you promptly of your child’s status in the program for the 2020-2021 school year.
March 16 -27, 2020 –
- Register on line for the 2020-2021 ATB Program – https://cfbonlineregistration.cfbisd.edu/Register.aspx.
Select 2021; campus.
- Upon notice from site director of acceptance in ATB 2020- 2021, pay for the first three weeks and registration fee to hold your place for next year:
Go to – https://cfbisd.revtrak.net/
Revtrak – 2021 – Next School Year – Select campus.
Pay: Registration Fee – $10.00 per family for the year
Pay: Tuition for the three weeks of school:
Full Pay – 3 X $60.00/week = $180.00 Plus Registration $10 = $190.00
Free/Reduced Pay – 3 X $30/week = $90 – Plus Registration Fee $10 = $100
After March 27, 2020 – Parents of current ATB students may still register along with new students to ATB if there are openings. Capacity= 100 students per campus.
April 5, 2019 – The ATB Site Directors will post the roster for ATB 2020–2021 with or without names to indicate if campus is closed or still open and indicate how many openings are left.
In order to maximize space for students who need after school care, parents will be expected to pay for the whole week even if their student(s) attends less than five days. Payments are made by Wednesday of the week prior to attendance.
If parents would like to pay the semester rate, they may pay for three weeks to hold their child’s seat in March/April and then pay the difference to complete semester payment during the first two weeks of school. Parents may pay for fall semester in March/April as well. Holding fees are non-refundable.