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Mr. Luse – Teacher of First 9 Weeks at Bea Salazar Learning Center


Mr. Luse - Teacher of First 9 Weeks at Bea Salazar Learning Center

Congratulations to Doug Luse for being Bea Salazar’s Teacher of the First 9 Weeks and nominee for Teacher of the Year. Doug Luse was selected for this honor by his colleagues. When staff was asked why he deserved this award they responded with Mr. Luse builds wonderful relationships with students, has a positive attitude, helps all teachers, spends extra time with students outside of his class, has a great sense of humor, is a math genius, has a passion for the students, is a mentor for staff and students, takes care of the whole child, is a team player, has compassion for his students, and differentiates in his classroom. Overwhelmingly, staff stated multiple times that Mr. Luse goes above and beyond to connect with his students to help them be successful. Thank you Mr. Luse for all that you do, and we are thrilled to have you part of our team!