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McCoy Students Perform 3 Piggy Opera


Kindergarten students at McCoy Elementary perform 3 Piggy Opera. The musical event is based on the children’s story, “The Three Little Pigs.” Students in grades 1-5 watched the performance, as well as parents. A former McCoy student, Luís Hernandez, who will be graduating from Newman Smith High School this year, also spoke to students to encourage to listen to study tips they get from their teachers. Hernandez was the 2018 Scholarship Recipient of $1000 from the McCoy PTA. Additionally, students held a flash mob in honor of two teachers who are retiring this year. Midge Hunley worked for 5 years at Furneaux Elementary and for 9 years at McCoy – a total of 14 years for CFB. Tammy Hatcher is retiring after working 38 years at McCoy.

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Kindergarten students at McCoy Elementary perform 3 Piggy Opera.